Thursday, May 6, 2010

Life Without Nicole day 94

Dear Nikki,

Im trying to fill out my blog every month in a way to remember about you. I saw you a few times at the gym. You know you can approach me if you need someone to spot you.

Yesterday me and my date had a discussion about love. Similar discussion that we had last time. The thing about Amy is that she exactly know what love is. I kinda bumped into this article, and I want to share it with you.

Read the part about myth of discipline

'Born Ready!' , LJ

Monday, April 12, 2010

Life Without Nicole Day 71

Dear Nikki,

It's been what? Approximately 71 days since you leave my heart. Ive been on a different dates, break a few innoccent heart, but it's hard for me to fall in love again. I want my heart back!

Here's a few things that I miss...

1. Your baked goods that you used to bring at the firehouse. I've tried a few, especially during Easter, but it doesn't taste the same.

2. Going to church sunday morning and pick you up at 9 am. Even though I am not a morning person.

3. Picking you up and go to the gym togather at 7pm during the weekday.

4. You being sacarstic and using the word 'egregious'

5. You wearing the white I <3 CF shirt!

6. Giving you hugs and suprise kisses at the gym.

7. Going To Whole Foods

'Born Ready', LJ

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Life without Nicole day 38

Dear Nikki,

Waow it's been 38 days since you left me. Time seems to passes by so quick, yet you are still in my mind. I always love music. Did I ever tell you that? Music is my inspiration as well as motivation. When I am doing my cardio, new songs seems to give me an extra kick and endurance. I love trance and hardcore trance. As a matter of fact, that's the only songs in my playlist. A lot of people don't understand why trance is a good music, but I do. When I listen to music, I listen to the beat and try to synchronize with my heart rate. Insted of most people who listen to music because of the lyrics. Most lyrics for most music has almost the same trend, and I hate that. It's always about love,girl,broken heart, friendship bla bla bla....Give me a break!

My birthday is coming up soon...Can I get you back as a present?...hmmm

Friday, February 26, 2010

Life Without Nicole Day 26

Dear Nikki,

It's the 26 th days , since you left me. Guess what? Your friend Ron came up and approached me yesterday and asked about you. I was suprised, since I've never talked to him in my entire life, and he decided to approached me and talk to me. We did millitary press togather. Of course he asked me whether he can join in. Can you keep up? that's what I told him

I've gotten used to 80 lbs vest now. Im gonna start timing and hopefully go below 30 mins. Im started crossfit back up. 'signal 33' Tomorrow.

I'm getting stronger! Hopefully you've been training. LOL

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Life Without Nicole Day 17

Dear Nikki,

I felt like I am in the wilderness..Alone, hungry and filled with temptations. Today is Ash Wednesday. As the priest put ashes on my forehead and said 'be faifthful to the gospel and turn away from sin' I was convinced that is with me with all these things that been going on. Father Jack said that God is even closer with us when we suffer because he loves us. I am thankful for that.

I did a bunch of deadlift yesterday and did 'stephanie' today at the gym. My lower back is so sore I couldn't even bent over...Urrrgh I hate that feeling.

'Don't give in to discouragement.If you are discouraged, it's a sign of pride because it shows that you trust in your own powers. Never bother about other people's opinions. Be obedient to truth for with humble obedience you will never disturbed' ,Mother Teresa of calcuta

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Life without Nicole day 16

Dear Nikki,

New week, new day and new goals. I was suprised when I went on shift yesterday, and my Capt told me to go to station 20 and be on the squad. I told him that if I go there, I won't be coming back. God has blessed me with a good shift. Yesterday was my 2nd fire this year. It was a good fire. I pulled every ceiling on that house, and I was amazed how much stronger I became by implementing crossfit in my work out. Even though it was cold, I enjoyed that shift. Every fire that I fought feel like an orgasm. I put out that fire as well as the fire that lies beneath my heart. Will it rekindle? Every night when I think of you.

I also have a couple of good new. Since our vacation is cancelled, I decided to use that money to better myself. I have signed up for crossfit level 1 course on May 22-23rd. I am so excited! I also signed up and bought some materials for ACSM personal trainer certification. You can use the materials when I got done. All you have to do is pay for the test, and you will be certified. Of course if that's what you want...

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. I know you don't beleive in all those but if you remember, Ash Wednesday is the beginning for lent season. I am always afraid of lent. There's the time when I faced with a lot of temptations and right now without you, my faith seems weak.

Am I still in your thoughts?? I always wondered.....

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Life without Nicole day 12

Dear Nikki,

My shift was really exhausting. I am not suprised, since it's not that often that we have snow in Atlanta. I am glad that I got to meet you today and finally comprehend the whole situation. I've done fucked up, and I decided to give up in our relationship. Thank you for making me realized that doing things for someone is not good enough...

I've decided to moved on,take a break and sleep my problems away....